Well, firstly, please let me apologise to anybody who was eagerly expecting to read a substantial, in depth, report on BAYKO's gay community. |
A “puff” or, more correctly, an “advertising puff” is the trade jargon for one of those little articles that appear in trade journals or the wider press, but which are, in whole or in part, [though usually indirectly] paid for by the company concerned. |
Generally, payment is in the form of purchasing a number of adverts… |
…and if you compare the dates that these items appeared with the dates of adverts in the same publications, in most cases the direct link is obvious… |
…others may have been a 'reward' for being a loyal advertiser. |
By their very nature, these “puffs” are short, but often contain interesting information about new BAYKO developments, during both the Plimpton and MECCANO eras… |
…and, of course, the timing is always of interest. |
For want of anywhere else to put them, I have also included the less obviously commercial announcements, such as those heralding the MECCANO takeover, in this section as well. |
I hope you enjoy them - I particularly enjoy the way that the literary styles employed in the “advertising puffs” have evolved over the years. |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information. |